JERRY is totally intrigued by this "BODY OF WORK". JERRY LIKES... but for many reasons that are not apparent to the audience this work is made for. These images are beautiful. JERRY has this calender plastered to the wall of his man cave. But while it flicks my switches and melt my eyes, the images seem conceptually positioned to exclude FAGS like JERRY THE FAF.
I do enjoy that Pacific masculinity is being celebrated as non threatening, non violent and seemingly soft.. I qualify my use of the term "Soft" in that the aggression of contact sports like Rugby League appears absent and that male beauty is the prevailing sentiment and not "weakness" which is often synonymous with references such as soft. But so straight, as if to imply that all our Pacific Men are these Warriors. JERRY must be wearing his gay goggles but it also seems borderline homoerotic.
JERRY understands wanting to respond to racism in a male domain like Rugby League. I understand charity and creating work with a social functionality and commercial appeal. But JERRY IS HARDOUT interested in the gender politics that are being traded, paid for and consumed by the audience of this work.
JERRY likes Rugby League players as much as League players like to fuck gay boys. They're all over the internet. Day and Night. Any gay Polynesian knows or is part of the unspoken and invisible network of Under-Cover-Brothers. (UCB) Whats funny is that most of them are ASSpiring, or established athletes. I guess it's interesting the idea of "men in sport" just coming to terms with the complexity of race. JERRY is wondering when "men in sport" will be able to cope with talking about being Gay? (JERRY IS SO MAKING A CALENDER!!!!)
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